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Image by Kelli McClintock



Have you lost weight before only to gain it all back and more? Do you find yourself eating less but still gaining weight? Do you want to understand why your body won’t do what you tell it when it comes to food? 


Perhaps you know people who seem to be able to eat everything & not gain weight whilst you get hungrier & heavier. Maybe you think it is because you have no self-control  which just makes you want to eat more.


I understand & can help you. If you are a committed carer for your family & friends and you don’t prioritize time for you NOW is the time to put yourself first and invest in your health.


I'm Claire Cuff


I know how hard it is to find the formula that works  & nudges the scales in the right direction. Now I help people lose weight & learn how to eat to control appetite and cravings + discover freedom to enjoy food fully, without that feeling of deprivation that comes with dieting.


Banish the shaming finger of self-blame. Knowledge is power. Learn how to enjoy real food and see your healthy shape emerge in the mirror.


Today is a fresh start. Book a free Health Review by clicking on the button below to find out how to begin your journey to weight-loss success.


ALL Works

A Nutritional Therapy programme  involves the elements listed below and can result in other health outcomes in addition to weight-loss such as  improved digestive health, balanced mood, balanced energy, improved concentration and reduced cravings.  


  • Initial personal consultation: 1 hour

  • Follow up consultations – either face to face or via Skype/telephone: 60 mins

  • Support calls:  30 mins 

  • In-depth health and lifestyle assessment to consider symptoms, medical history, family history, lifestyle and stress

  • Personalised nutrition advice and supplement plan

  • Current medication and nutrients interaction evaluation, if applicable

  • Recommendations on clinical tests and interpretation

  • Full Body Composition analysis: Weight, BMI, Fat %, Muscle Mass, Metabolic Age (in-person consultations only)

  • Personal coaching to support new food choices and new habits

  • Seasonal recipes

  • WhatsApp Support so you need never feel stuck



Programme Fees start from £495 for an 8-week programme.

Note: The cost of clinical tests and/or supplements are not included.

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